How Does Insurance Work in the US?

Come funziona l'assicurazione negli USA. How Does Insurance Work in the US

We all know that the American health care system is very different from that of Italy, and at least once we have heard absurd stories of someone going into debt for life because they did not have health insurance.

Fortunately, if you go to America as a student, the university must make sure that you have insurance that will cover you while you are in the United States.

Many universities offer insurance sponsored by the institution itself. Our advice is to purchase one of these insurances and make sure that the insurance and the university’s Athletic Department (Athletic Department) also covers sports injuries in case you are also a student-athlete. We recommend that you purchase one of these insurances because they theoretically cover more comprehensively in the area where the university is located (each medical specialist accepts a certain type of insurance, while they may not accept another).

Assucurances offered by universities, however, usually cost more than other specific assucurances for international students. Since there are thousands of universities, and since each university has different rules and systems, we recommend talking to the international student advisor (Intenational Advisor) to find out what is the most common option chosen by international students attending that university.

Below you can see a list of the most common insurances for international students :

Each insurance has different coverage plans to choose from. For example, ISOA does not cover sports injuries and is recommended only the Athletic Department at your university offers insurance for sports injuries (usually called Secondary Insurance).

We recommend that you read the information on each website of the insurance company you choose well and check with your university’s International Advisor to choose the insurance best suited to your situation.

The costs of these insurances obviously depend on the coverage plan you choose, but fortunately they do not cost excessively, in fact the cost is around $100 per month.

While you are in the U.S. , always make sure that you have your insurance activated, unless you want to be the one to suffer the disastrous stories we mentioned at the beginning of this article!



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