WATER POLO with stars and stripes: the experience of Luca Silvestri and Jacopo Parella

Luca Silvestri

Luca Silvestri and Jacopo Parella, two former players of the Italian national water polo team, talk about their experience in the United States, where they study and play at the college level. Both have a successful past with the national team, having won European championships and participated in the World Cup.

Beginnings and Decision to Play in the United States

Luca and Jacopo started playing water polo thanks to their brothers, and over time they reached higher and higher competitive levels. After playing in Serie A with Posillipo and achieving success at the international level, they both received offers to study and play in the United States. Luca began his journey in California, while Jacopo landed directly in New York.

The process to get into American Universities

They both recount that the process of being admitted to American universities can be long and complex, but with the help of experts in the field, such as those at usacollegesport.com, it can be approached with peace of mind. Among the necessary steps are English exams and video calls with coaches from university teams.

Arriving in the United States and Adjusting

Luca and Jacopo recount that when they landed in the United States, they realized the enormous life change they were facing. However, the adrenaline and the desire to prove themselves pushed them to give their best in both sports and studies.

Support from Universities

Both emphasize the importance of the support offered by American universities, both academically and in sports. Athletes are closely monitored and have tutors and professors at their disposal who are willing to help them at any time. Priority is always given to study, and coaches are aware of the importance of reconciling the two activities.

Luca and Jacopo’s experience in the United States is definitely positive and a unique opportunity to grow both athletically and personally. Thanks to the universities’ support and commitment, both are building a future based not only on sports, but also on study and the opportunities that the American university system offers.


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Everyone knows that American universities are the best in the world and this is said by the numbers obtained from rankings comparing all universities around

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