From Series D to USA University : The Journey Of Jacopo Suagher

Jacopo Suagher

Jacopo Suagher, an Italian soccer player, shared his experience as a student athlete in the United States. He emphasized how the American system helps student athletes combine their passion for sports with education. This is something Jacopo really appreciates about America, as it allows him to play at a high level while simultaneously pursuing an academic path.

Jacopo in Italy played starter in Serie D for Virtus Ciserano Bergamo and now plays and studies at Catawba College.

American College Football Level

Jacopo discussed the level of play in American colleges, pointing out that it is not necessarily related to the division in which you play. Rather, it depends on the school and the school ranking. Jacopo noted that the level of play is very high, with teams made up of international athletes and very precise scouting. This made the experience very competitive, but also very enriching.

Sports Facilities

College facilities were another aspect that impressed Jacopo. He described the campus as immense, with sports facilities and activities available to students. He also praised the care with which the facilities are maintained, from playing fields to gyms, pointing out that some of the equipment is superior to what could be found even in professional settings in Italy.

Campus Life

Jacopo spoke about campus life, describing it as a very communal experience. He emphasized how living with teammates helps create a strong sense of belonging and mutual support. He also mentioned that although he now lives off campus, the proximity of the facilities makes life very comfortable.

Travel and opportunities

Jacopo shared some of his travel experiences during school breaks, including a visit to New York and a trip to Miami with his teammates. He emphasized how these experiences helped expand his network and learn more about the country.

The costs of the College Sport experience

Finally, Jacopo Suagher discussed the costs of the college sports experience. He pointed out that although there are upfront expenses, there are also many opportunities to get scholarships and work on campus to cover the costs. He emphasized that, with a little effort and organization, the college sports experience is accessible to everyone.

Jacopo emphasized the advantages of the college sports experience, including the ability to combine study with high-level sports. He also appreciated the flexibility of the American education system, which allows students to choose courses based on their interests.


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