Soccer And Study In The USA: The Experience Of Alessandro Zappavigna

Alessandro Zappavigna

Hello everyone!!! Today we have the pleasure of sharing with you a very special interview. We spoke with Alessandro Zappavigna, a former student athlete from Italy who had the opportunity to study in the United States on a sports scholarship. This is his story.

Alessandro began his academic journey at a small university in Oklahoma. Despite initial difficulties with English, he worked hard to get good grades and improve his language skills. After a year, he was able to transfer to a larger and more prestigious university in Louisiana, where he graduated in 2021.

After graduation, Alessandro Zappavigna returned to Italy and started working in the financial consulting industry. He currently works for Deloitte, one of the largest consulting firms in the world. Despite the bureaucratic problems he encountered upon his return to Italy, he says the experience in the United States was crucial to his career.

During his time in the United States, Alessandro had the opportunity to travel extensively, visiting places such as Mexico, Miami, New York, California, and Boston. These experiences, along with his academic and sports training, helped shape the person he is today.

However, returning to Italy has not been easy. Although he loves his native country, he admits that he misses life in the United States. However, he believes that the experience abroad has enriched his life and career in ways he never imagined.

Alessandro concluded the interview with a piece of advice for Italian student athletes considering studying in the United States, “Jump in, be resourceful, and try things that make you uncomfortable. The experience in the United States can be difficult at first, but the benefits are 100 times greater.”

We hope this interview with Alessandro Zappavigna will inspire other Italian student athletes to consider getting an athletic scholarship in the United States. Despite the challenges, the rewards can be enormous, both in terms of personal growth and career opportunities. Alessandro is a shining example of how boldness, determination and talent can open unexpected doors and provide invaluable life experiences.


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